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第127章 卷23


马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 二十三


“Sure I could sober him up enough to talk,” malone said wearily. “but what good would it do?”


“It wouldn’t do any good,” Jake said. “the trick is to start with him pletely sober and bring him back to just a certain stage.”


“the hell with it,” the lawyer said. “considering the many and varied collection of things he probably drank while we were out, it would take two days to unscramble him enough to get him sober.”


“wait a minute!” helene said. “Let me think.” She was silent for a moment or two. “malone, fill up the bathtub again and go to work on him. I have telephoning to do.”


“helene, what horrible thing is forming in your mind?”


“don’t ask questions. I know what I’m doing. Just get him moving and talking again.”


the lawyer groaned. “I wish I was asleep.”


“do you want me to phone von Flanagan and tell him you’ve been keeping Ross mcLaurin hidden out here since yesterday evening?”


“All right,” malone said wearily, “I know when I’m licked.” he went into the bathroom and turned on the cold water. “I don’t know what you’re going to do, but whatever it is, I won’t like it. Lend me a hand, Jake.” between them they hauled the unresisting young man into the bathroom and closed the door.


when they returned, helene was just setting down the telephone. “Is our young friend restored to life?”


‘he walks and talks, if that’s what you want to know. but you can’t get any information out of him.”


“we can’t,” helene said, “but dr. Leonardo t. hennessey can.”


“Not really!”


“doctor which?” malone asked suspiciously.


“the lie-detector man,” helene said. “You’ve read about him in the papers. he’s going to give Ross a lie-detector test.”


“when?” malone asked, hoping it was some time next week.


“Right now,” helene said. “As soon as we can get him over to the office. dr. hennessey didn’t like the idea of ing downtown at ten o’clock at night, but I told him it was an emergency case. he’ll be there by the time we arrive. help me get this guy’s shoes on.”


“put on m’own shoes,” said Ross mcLaurin in a hurt voice.


“See,” helene said, “he’s practically sober.”


“Jake snorted, “You’re thinking of ‘that guy ain’t drunk, I just saw his eyelids flicker.’ what do you expect to learn from this lie-detector test, anyway?”


“who murdered Gerald tuesday.”


“much more of this,” the lawyer growled, “and I’ll confess to it myself.”


—202 室—



twenty minutes later, Ross mcLaurin walking stiffly between Jake and malone, they faced a ground-glass door on which appeared:

— Room 202 —




below it was the picture of a wide, blue, and unfortably realistic-looking eye, with rays streaming out from it.


“what the hell is a psycho-psychologist?” Jake demanded.


“It looks like double trouble to me,” malone growled. “or maybe it’s the hair of the dog that bit you.” he opened the door.


the anteroom of dr. hennessey was spacious and subdued. A dove-gray carpet covered the floor, the walls were alternating panels of pale-blue brocade and plate-glass mirrors, all with cabalistic signs engraved in the corners. the furnishings were restrained and expensive, copies of Esquire, harper’s bazaar, and the the New Yorker were on the table. It looked like the waiting room of a fashionable specialist, with just a slight touch of overdressing.


on the wall, in lieu of pictures, were charts with zigzag lines, like cardiograms. one door bore the legend pRIVAtE, another LAboRAtoRY and the word cAUtIoN, flanked by two lightning bolts. malone looked around instinctively and unfortably for hidden dictaphones and high-voltage wires.


“we go in here,” helene said, moving toward the door marked pRIVAtE.


“Just a minute,” Jake said. “does dr. hennessey know what he’s testing this guy for?”


She shook her head. “he doesn’t know he isn’t perfectly sober, either.” She opened the door.


the inner room was likewise spacious, but far from subdued. the walls were hung with heavy black cloth, but interior decoration had stopped there. Electrical gadgets of all kinds were piled pell-mell on top of each other, like a bination of a Rube Goldberg cartoon and a hollywood horror picture.


malone definitely expected boris Karloff to appear through the black curtains. Instead, it was dr. hennessey. he was a gray-haired, gray-suited gentleman, looking not unlike the portraits in the science sector of time magazine, with a reassuringly medical manner, and nothing to suggest his strange profession save a searching gleam in his eye. It was a little like the eye painted on the door.


“how nice to see you again, miss brand,” the doctor said cheerfully. “did your father ever get his watch back from that young woman?”


helene said, “No,” and blushed faintly. “doctor, this is mr. Justus, my—”


“Jake Justus, as I live and breathe!” exclaimed dr. hennessey happily. “Still with the Examiner, I presume. will there be a photographer ing?”


Jake started to explain he was no longer a reporter, decided it would be more tactful not to mention it, and just said, “No, no photographer this time.”


“too bad,” said dr. hennessey.


“this is Ross mcLaurin,” helene went on.


the young man said, “how do you do, doctor,” in an automatic and polite voice.


“And this is mr. malone,” she added.


“Ah yes,” the doctor said pleasantly. he cleared his throat. “I usually don’t e down to my laboratory in the evening, but I gathered from your conversation on the phone that this was definitely urgent. Some of these loss-of-memory cases are very sad.” he smiled sympathetically and laid a hand on malone’s shoulder. “this would be our patient, I presume.”


“No, no, no,” helene said. “over there.” She indicated Ross mcLaurin.


“Ah yes.” dr. hennessey said, with magnificent aplomb. “mr. mcLaurin. Yes indeed. Now if you’ll just e right over here—”


the chair in which the patient was to sit seemed to be the focal point of all the electrical gadgets in the room. Ross mcLaurin sat down in it obediently, though a bit hesitantly, and rested his hands, as directed, on the rubber pads at the end of each arm.


It was when the doctor was strapping an electrode on the upper part of his arm that he looked up protestingly at helene.


“You promised me if I’d talk to mr. malone, they wouldn’t do this to me.”


“It’s not the electric chair,” helene said. “It only looks like one.”


“ha, ha, ha,” the doctor said humorlessly. “All my patients ment on that similarity. Now there’s nothing to hurt you, young man. Nothing at all. Just sit back, quite fortably. that’s right.”


over the chair, placed where the patient couldn’t see it, was a red and blue dial, marked “true” on the blue side and “False” on the red.


“First I balance the patient,” explained dr. hennessey. “quiet. quiet, now. that’s fine.” he added, pointing to the dial, “See how the needle is balanced, right in the center? the patient is at ease.”


“At ease,” Jake muttered under his breath. “he’s probably petrified.”


the doctor didn’t hear him. “Now I begin with simple questions.” he addressed the young man, who was beginning to droop a little. “where are you?”


there was a long silence.


“where are you?” the doctor demanded, a shade louder.


Ross mcLaurin looked at him and threw everything into confusion by answering, “here I am. where are you?”


dr. hennessey decided to try another simple question. “what day of the week is it?”


the young man was very thoughtful for a minute. “Sunday?” he suggested.


helene looked up at the dial. It registered “true.” “well, damn it,” she said, “he thinks it’s Sunday. what day is it anyway, Friday?”


“monday,” malone said.


the doctor shook his head. “It’s Saturday.” he looked searchingly at malone and then at the young man in the chair. “Are you in a doctor’s office?” he asked, eagle-eyed.


Ross mcLaurin mumbled something unintelligible.


“I didn’t hear you,” the doctor said sternly. he repeated the question.


the young man mumbled again. this time the words “home on the range” were faintly distinguishable.


the doctor turned to helene. “It’s difficult to get much out of him.”


helene nodded vigorously. “he’s not a very talkative person.”


“I’m going to try a few trick psychological questions.” he fixed an eagle eye on his patient. “tell me. how far can a dog run into the woods?”


this time there was no response at all.


“how far can a dog run into the woods?” the doctor demanded in a louder tone.


Still no response.


“woods.” the doctor shouted desperately. “dog!”


Ross mcLaurin looked up obediently and helpfully and barked.


the doctor turned to helene a little dubiously. “I’m afraid the patient is inebriated. we can’t go on with this.”


“oh yes we can,” helene said firmly.


“It isn’t scientific,” dr. hennessey objected.


“No,” Jake murmured, “but it’s lots of fun.”


So far the needle on the red and blue dial had only performed a faint tremolo.


“Just ask him—just say one word,” helene implored. “tuesday.”


the psycho-psychologist frowned. “I’ve already asked him that. he thinks it’s Sunday.”


“No, no, no,” Jake put in. “tuesday. It’s a name.”


“two tuesdays in every week,” helene added.


In his corner malone began singing, “Every day’ll be tuesday by and by.”


this time the look dr. Leonardo hennessey gave malone was definitely fearful. Finally he drew a long breath and shouted, “tuesday!” as though he were crying “boo!”


Nothing happened.


“You see—” the doctor began, turning to helene.


“try another name,” she suggested. “try ‘malone.’”


dr. hennessey’s face was beginning to turn a deep cerise. he focused a hypnotic eye on his patient and yelped, “malone!”


Suddenly Ross mcLaurin seemed like a man recalled to life. he lifted his head and looked up, his eyes bright.


“that’s me!” he exclaimed triumphantly.


dr. hennessey mopped his brow. he turned to the lawyer. “I don’t seem to be getting very far. perhaps if you would ask him a few questions yourself—” his voice was a little hoarse.


malone said, “I’ll try,” very skeptically. he walked over to the young man and looked at him fixedly.


“tell me, Ross. did you murder Gerald tuesday?”


For a moment there was silence. Everyone watched the patient, with varying degrees of anxiety. At last his lips began to move, slowly and rhythmically, and a faint sound came from them.


“count—the bullets—” the rest was indistinguishable.


“but this was a stabbing,” malone began. helene hushed him.


“Louder, Ross,” she said.


the mumble grew louder, though not clearer. the listeners caught the words “Forty thousand million.”


“there’s not that much money in the world,” Jake said disgustedly.


“It’s a motive, anyway,” helene murmured.


Even dr. Leonardo hennessey began to look excited. he leaned over the patient, his eyes blazing.


“Six weeks—in hell—” Ross mcLaurin went on in a faint whisper. there were a few words lost, and then, “Five—devils—dark—”


“Good God!” helene said. her face was very pale.


they all leaned forward breathlessly to catch the patient’s next words.


In a triumphant outburst the young man finished, “boots—boots—boots—boots—movin’ up and down again! there’s no discharge in the war!”


the needle on the dial swung far over to the side marked “true.” Ross mcLaurin had remembered all of Kipling’s boots.


A few minutes later, in the taxicab, Jake turned to helene.


“well,” he said solemnly, “I’ve heard of the patient making the doctor sick. but this is the first time I ever saw anyone drive a psycho-psychologist double nuts!”

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